One of the UK’s largest privately owned investment groups, Topland, has welcomed four new businesses to its landmark workspace in the heart of Bristol, Whitefriars.

Analytics and diabetic eye screening provider, Inhealth Intelligence, construction consultants JNP Group, global military and civilian vessel designer and manufacturer Navantia, and accountancy firm Moore UK have taken a combined total of c7,000 sq ft of leased office space across four floors.
Located in the heart of Bristol city centre, Whitefriars is designed to blend amenity with vibrant workspaces that encourage collaboration and innovation. The 140,000 sq ft building is within walking distance of the city’s retail and hospitality offering and Temple Meads station, which links Bristol with London and Birmingham.
The new businesses were attracted to the wealth of amenities Whitefriars provides, including flexible co-working spaces, an onsite gym with shower and locker room facilities, cycle storage for 82 bikes and a variety of EV charging points.
The moves highlight the continued growth of global firms moving to Bristol and the ongoing demand for flexible workspace, along with a desire from employers to focus on employee wellbeing and collaboration.
Edward Sibley, asset manager at Topland Group, said: “We’re excited to welcome four innovative and growth led businesses to the community at Whitefriars. The building’s expanding network of global firms forms a key part of Bristol’s status as a hub for those in key growth sectors seeking flexible, grade A workspace and seamless amenity.
“The deals struck with all our tenants at Whitefriars reflect the exciting and high-quality space we have delivered as well as our ability to select underachieving assets and transform them into prime yielding investments.”
Finola Ingham, Director of Office Agency at Burston Cook, said: “We are thrilled to announce that only one suite remains available for rent at Whitefriars, reflecting the strong demand and desirability for sensibility priced office space.”
Joint agents Burston Cook, Hartnell Taylor Cook and JLL are marketing the final available office suite totalling 3,044 sq. ft.
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Issued on behalf of Topland Group by Harry Heathcote at Citypress