The Topland Group recognises its wide-ranging environmental, social and governance responsibilities as a large UK Group.
As a long-term custodian of UK real estate, the Group have always sought to invest and manage its assets in a responsible, sustainable and ethical manner.
The Topland ESG Committee sets our constantly evolving agenda and monitors the Group’s performance, seeking to outperform industry benchmarks where possible. The Group seeks to create remarkable places for people to live, work and visit, establishing positive social and environmental outcomes for all our many stakeholders.
The Topland Group adopts a Corporate Code of Conduct and Ethics setting out the standards expected from personnel, including behavioural standards such as integrity and transparency. Our ESG Group Policy can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

The Topland Board is committed to managing its Environmental impact in a responsible and sustainable manner by implementing best practices in energy, waste, water and statutory compliance. Our focus is on the reduction of energy consumption and the improvement of resilience of our buildings.
As an organisation, we adhere to all compliance obligations working within current legislative requirements whilst maintaining stringent internal processes and procedures to ensure this.
The Group seeks to set and maintain high standards in terms of sustainability in the management, maintenance and development of both our existing and new assets to reduce our energy consumption. Annual sustainability reporting enables us to benchmark our progress whilst highlighting assets in need of improvement.

Our social policy serves as a guide in the management of relationships with fellow employees, suppliers and the communities we operate in.
The Group recognises the importance of employee well-being, engagement, and professional development as central to the success of what we do. We are committed to a policy of equal opportunities in employment where individuals are selected and treated based on their merits and abilities.
We also recognise that our operational practices have a significant impact on the health and well-being of those who occupy and visit our buildings. Where Topland Group operates, we endeavour to make a positive contribution and seek to support businesses within the community by using local suppliers and supporting charitable causes.
Topland Group also provides ongoing support to a number of Charities. We have been supporting Jewish Care for 13 years and as part of that support, we host the annual Jewish Care Topland Group Business Lunch. In 2022 alone, we were delighted to have raised over £400,000 to support the vital services and initiatives this organisation provides.
The Topland Group operates a robust corporate governance framework based on ethical corporate behaviour which seeks to ensure all risk and governance practices are embedded into the decision-making process at all levels.
The Board adopts and regularly reviews ESG policies and ensures ESG commitments are integrated into existing and new corporate policies, as applicable. All employees are required to read and confirm their understanding and compliance with the Group’s policies.